Wow have I been slacking! Things have been kinda crazy around here lately. We've been keeping really busy. Kenadie has been a lot of fun lately, she's such a nut! Me and her have been pretty sick the last couple weeks and are having a heck of a time kicking our colds. We have managed so far to escape the flu bug that's been going around here though. Hopefully I haven't spoke too soon. On Thursday we had to make an unexpected run to Tucson for me to see a dentist. Unfortunately, I had to part with one of my beloved molars, so along with my sore throat and horrible cough, I've had a horrible tooth (or I guess I should say toothless now) ache. I hope it heals soon. I've been living off mashed potatoes and fat free vanilla icecream the last couple days. Randy took off work to drive me down to Tucson and Horst went with us to help with Kenadie. Which I was so grateful for because it was one less thing I had to worry about. We went to one specialist first, who kindly told me there was nothing more he could do to save my poor tooth and that we needed to get it out soon because it was terribly infected. I was so impressed with that office though because they took it upon themselves to call around to different surgeons to see if any of them could remove the tooth so we didn't have to waste a trip to Tucson. We drove right over to another office and while we were driving, I opened the referral the previous dentist sent with me, and this is what it said...

Which, of course after reading, I burst out crying and laughing at the same time. The boys thought it was pretty funny. Haha so after another stack of paper work, and a little waiting, they were ready for me. I was kinda bummed because they wouldn't let Randy back with me, but I suppose it worked out because Kenadie was pretty grouchy by this point and she didn't just want Uncle Horst, she wanted him and Daddy. It didn't take them too long and it wasn't as bad as we thought it was going to be. Now I just have to wait for it to heal and then we'll go on from there with either a bridge or some other thing to keep my teeth from moving and wasting all that money my parents spent on braces. Kenadie had a nasty fall this week. We're not completely sure, but we think that she hit her head on the corner of her toybox. I cried naturally when I saw the huge lump and bruise, but I think we're doing pretty good. She's almost 2 and this is the first head bump.

After the first night, luckily, all the swelling went down and it was just a bruise left. It really was so sad. She's such a tough girl though, she hardly even cried. One last picture, is one I took tonight. Kenadie and Kenadi, together again. My Kenadie held my friend's Kenadi when she was just a few weeks old and Kenadie was about 8 or 9 months old. Tonight they were giving eachother kisses and being so adorable together.

Aren't they such dolls! That's about all for tonight, I really need to get to bed. We are leaving for Scottsdale in the morning. The training that Randy was supposed to have in Flagstaff this last week was moved to this coming up week in Paradise Valley. I should have plenty more pictures and stories by the time we get back. I hope that if any of you have been watching conference you've learned as much as I did in the two sessions today! Xoxo