Spring is one of the best things in the world in my book. I love everything about it, but especially the fact that it means that summer is just around the corner. Well so far this year is off to a pretty good start. A few bumps here and there but we can't complain too much. We had a really great Easter this year. Last year Kenadie didn't really get into it, but this year she was a blast. It's always at holidays that I am reminded what a spoiled little girl she is! She not only got an easter basket from us, but one from her nana and grandpa BK and one from her Papa and Sandra. She thought it was Christmas all over. Papa and Sandra even got a bunny, named Tony, that she thinks is the greatest. The other night she was going over there and she packed a backpack full of snacks for her and a bag of carrots for Tony. She had a sleepover with Papa and Sandra this last weekend, which was not only awesome for her, but for me too. They were so nice to watch her so I could go out on a ride along with Randy. Kenadie got to eat icecream and watch Cinderella all night long, and I got to just exist for several hours with no worries and no responsibilities. I was really excited to get to go out with Randy for an entire night. We hadn't been out for awhile, and although he was working and it wasn't really a date, it was nice to just be together. I love watching him at his job. The next morning we went to pick Kenadie up about 10 and she refused to leave her papa's. She told us "It's okay Mom and Dad, come back for her later, bye." lol. So she got to hang out for the rest of the afternoon.
We've been getting the yard ready to plant grass and it's been surprisingly fun. The weather has been so nice and even though we still have a good 5 or 6 more truck loads of dirt to shovel this week, we know it will pay off. Kenadie is of course an excellent helper when we're working in "her" yard.
I only have 5 more weeks of school!!! I am so excited to graduate. I didn't think this day would ever come and it's actually coming up pretty quick. Even though it's been a struggle in so many ways, I'm so glad that I've stuck through it and have an amazing husband who has always been 100% supportive of me. When we got married I didn't think I could love him more than I did at that moment, but I was wrong. Everyday I seem to love him more and I'll never know what I did to deserve him, but I will always be grateful.
Oh, another really cute thing Kenadie's done recently. Poppies are all over the place right now, and I wanted to make sure Kenadie got to play in them so we took to a place covered in them last week. When she got out of the car her jaw just dropped and she got this huge grin and she looked up at me and said, "mommy, it's so beautiful!" It's really no wonder that girl gets whatever she wants, she so stinkin cute! So she got to play in the poppies, and she picked huge handfuls for her (everything is "hers" lol) Uncle Jake. It's these simple things that make life so amazing.