I don't know about you, but I am so glad it's getting to be summer. We continue to spend lots of time at the river since the weather has been so great. Last week we went twice. One day Randy, Kenadie and I went exploring on some of the less traveled places at the river and found some great spots. It was a great day. The next day after we picked Jacob up from school we went with Brian, Stephanie, and their two kids Brookie and Tucker and we cooked hamburgers and hotdogs and the boys fished with no luck unfortunately. We had a great time. The kids had a lot of fun. I am so greatful we have friends like them here. The Xterra still smells like campfire unfortunately though. Randy continues to be really busy with work and between Kenadie and Jake and church stuff I am staying plenty busy. I start school at the end of June and some days I wonder how on earth I'll manage balancing anything, but for some odd reason I'm not happy unless I'm running crazy. So I'm pretty excited to be going back. Exactly when I said I would too :) My broken toe continues to anger me. It was doing much better until Kenadie ran it over with a shopping cart at Walmart and it's been swollen again ever since. I wish it would hurry and heal so I could go running again. Running or walking everyday was making a huge difference in my attitude and ability to deal with Kenadie when she got in one of her moods. So needless to say I have really missed doing that. I went walking in my flipflops the other day which resulted in blisters so I'm thinking I'm just gonna have to suck it up and figure out a way to not think about how it hurts to wear enclosed shoes. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to try. We shall see... Kenadie is constantly throwing temper tantrums these days. Sometimes it's so hard not to laugh at her, but laughter is usually what gets me from one day to the next. I think that's one reason me and Randy get along so well. Even when I want to be mad or irritated with him he always makes me laugh. Laughter is such a wonderful thing. Kenadie is still hitting no matter what we do so I'm trying to come up with a way to put a stop to that but I've come up with nothing so far. Nothing affects the girl. She is very smart and knows exactly how to play her cards. Somehow at the end of the day though she's worth it all. We hung curtains in her room today so I'm hoping that it will darken her room a bit in the morning and maybe she'll sleep past 6. Probably not though. Here's a few pics from the last couple weeks:
Kenadie in one of my activity day girls' boots and playing with her bucket at the river

And the three of us. XoXo
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