Oh, if I had a dollar for every time I've said her name this week! My girl has been on some serious mood swings this week. We are gonna be in big, big trouble when she gets to be about 12. Two Loya girls on PMS in the same month, :O Randy will definately be signing on for all the overtime he can when that day comes. Anyway, we've had a pretty busy week! Randy had lots of court and had shooting practice one day so he's been pretty tired and worn out. Kenadie's been a complete handful all week, so I've been terribly exhausted too. I had Jake until Thursday, and then Eric (Randy's little brother) stayed with us for a couple days. And since Eric was here Friday night, Jacob came over and they had a sleepover, which nearly resulted in me having a heart attack, but we all survived amazingly. And hopefully the boys had a good time. Last night we had our Fire and Ice ward party. It was fun. They had lots of different chili, cornbread, and then my favorite of course, homemade icecream. I just had icecream :) Kenadie ran around wild and crazy with all the other little kids and had a blast. Then we came home and attempted to watch a movie, but we all passed out at various points and somehow, though I don't remember a thing, we all ended up in our beds. This morning we went to church, late of course. I don't think I've ever been on time to church since I had Kenadie. I really try to be on time too! Every week I wake up a little earlier and we still don't manage to get out on time. I recieved another calling today. I still teach my primary class, but now I'm in charge of achievement days too. I'm pretty excited. I already know all the girls pretty well from being in primary so it should be really good. Kenadie took a nap today but instead of taking my somewhat usual Sunday nap with her for once, I got ahead on some of my housework I'd been slacking on the last couple days. Then we drove down to the river with Randy's dad and Eric and hung out down there for awhile. It was a lot of fun. The weather has been so great lately. I'm so glad it's summer! Now I just need to get rid of this albino white look I've got going on and get my tan on. I thought I would start today, but as luck would have it, the spot we were at was shady. Just my luck, ya know? So I'm still white as a ghost unfortunately. When we got back from the river, we put Kenadie right into the tub, then the dogs since they smelt like wet river dog, and had dinner. We went to visit my dad, and got all caught up in a movie he was watching. Mr. Brooks I think it was called. Totally psycho, but really good. And now Kenadie is in bed (happy day) and I have a minute to write this and Randy is.... :) Playing Rainbow 6. We have another fairly busy week ahead of us, then it's off to Flagstaff for us on Sunday for Randy's training...yay! I love staying in great hotels on other people's money. Now for pictures...

This is the poor puppy (I'm still looking for a name...) hiding from Kenadie's rampage on the kitchen... See below...

This is the mess I willingly let Kenadie make so I could make dinner. Can you believe that?! I sure as heck couldn't, but you can't imagine how desperate I was.
This is Kenadie showing off her 'Bow' (belly) to everyone at the park

Kenadie eating her banana on the way down to the river. Her window was down so she was so excited.
More pictures to come soon, promise, but for now, I am wiped! Xoxo
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